Statement. Bio

I work with easel painting, graphics, installation. In my works I talk about my attitude to the environment, space, about my philosophy, about my attitude to events, about the state of "every day". For me, the space where I recover, stay for a long time, objects, light are incredibly important, I feel love while being in my existence. I talk about this plastically, working with space, rhythm, form. Space defines me, it is not about pain and injustice, but about freedom, loneliness and silence. The folds of shapes, contrast and emphasis on emptiness in the format are the most attractive and convincing for me. I'm interested in touches today. Touches that show not only the boundaries of forms, but also the visual rhythm of my movements, show me. The plastic language, the material and the interaction of techniques excite me no less than the emptiness between the cabinet and the window. 

I was born in Podolsk (Russia) in 1985.

2010 - graduated from Moscow's Surikov State Academy Art Institute.

Since 2010 - a member of Moscow Union of artists.

Since 2004 - a participant of exhibitions.

The works are in private collections inside and outside Russia.